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Lawn Care Tip: Protecting your lawn from dogs

With all the running, jumping and going to the bathroom, dogs can do quite a number on your lawn. There are some products you can purchase that promise to eliminate urine spots from your lawn, but this might be more trouble than it’s worth to have to try and seek out every spot and treat it thoroughly. There is also the issue with trampled or worn grass, and unless you’re ready to dig up your existing turf and plant sturdier grass, you will need another option for protecting your turf from your pet’s paws.

Tree care specialists recommend planting clover in the areas where your dog likes to frequent for his bathroom needs. Dogs often retreat to a certain spot time after time, so planting clover in this area will allow him the comfort of thinking he’s getting grass, but his urine will not have the same effects on the clover as it does on grass. The nitrogen and salt in urine is what causes the grass to become discolored, but clover is resistant to these chemicals and will remain green. Clover is also beneficial because it doesn’t require the same amount of upkeep and watering as regular grass.

Another tree care tip for the wearing of your turf is installing a pooch path. As stated before, dogs are creatures of habit and tend to pick out the area around your fence as their potty spots. Tree care professionals advise against growing grass in this area and instead suggest installing a crushed gravel path or a stone walkway. This will also work for your dog’s other paths through the yard. Instead of having trampled grass, you will have a creative and luxurious-looking pathway that will add character to your lawn and landscape.

If you don’t feel like dealing with the hassle of keeping up with your dog’s potty spots, contact us and ask about how to combat the effects your pet may have on your lawn.

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Weed and disease lawn care tips for St. Augustine grass

All grass types are susceptible to diseases and weeds, however, there are ways to prevent, deter and combat these issues through proper Kansas City lawn care techniques. But even with the absolute best care, you cannot guarantee that disease or insects will never be a problem with your St. Augustine grass.

St. Augustine grass is a sturdy type of turf and is able to assert itself over weeds as long as it is healthy and is receiving adequate care. If St. Augustine grass is left to fend for itself, it may become weak, at which time opportunistic weeds will stop popping up throughout your landscape. This is especially true if the lawn is already infested with insects or has been infected with a disease. St. Augustine turf is usually found to have broadleaf and grassy weeds, however, chickweed, clover and henbit have also been found by lawn care specialists to be a menace to this type of grass. These weeds respond best to hormone-type herbicides that are applied in the early spring. Other weeds such as fescue, crabgrass or annual bluegrass require a different type of treatment that includes precise applications of pre-emergent herbicides.

In addition to fighting off weeds, St. Augustine grass is also susceptible to a number of turfgrass diseases including Helminthosporium, brown patch, SAD, Pythium, gray leaf spot, rust, downy mildew and more. Most of these diseases are caused by the presence of fungi and can be easily controlled by a knowledgeable lawn care company. SAD is a virus disease for which there is no chemical solution, which means only defiant types of St. Augustine grass are resistant to the disease.

Brown patch and gray leaf spot are the most severe diseases caused by fungi infecting St. Augustine turfs. Although these diseases seldom destroy St. Augustine, they weaken and thin the grass to the degree that the lawn is extremely unattractive. Precautionary treatments of fungicides are most effective against these diseases.

To keep your St. Augustine lawn primped and pristine, call your local lawn care provider and ask about their weed and disease control programs.

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Why soil tests are important to optimal lawn care

Most homeowners know what services are necessary for good lawn care: proper mowing, aeration, overseeding, adequate hydration and fertilizer. Aeration is one of the most beneficial lawn care services, especially if you live in an area that experiences episodes of little to no rainfall. Aerating your lawn will allow the water from your irrigation system to reach the grass roots directly and be immediately absorbed. However, even though aeration ensures that your lawn and soil are manipulated, you should go one step further and also have your soil periodically tested by a lawn care professional.

A soil test is a fairly simple procedure and many lawn care companies offer the service for free in conjunction with their programs. The technician will take a small soil sample and have it sent to a lab. A qualified soil expert will examine the sample and look at the pH level (acidity); the presence or absence of such macronutrients as phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen; the presence or absence of such micronutrients as iron, calcium, zinc, boron, manganese, copper and other nutrients that deter weed growth and enhance the lawn’s resistance to insect and disease infestations; the soil type, which can help your technician create a preventative plan to reduce the incidence of compaction; and levels of decomposed plant material, also known as thatch.

Once the results are back, we can consult with you on what the best plan of action is regarding your lawn care regimen. To schedule a soil analysis, call us today.

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Watering your lawn in the evening: Don’t do it!

Many people are tempted to mow and water their lawns in the evening before putting the gardening tools away and getting ready to relax for the night. However, experts advise against watering in the evening. You may think the overnight saturation is good for your lawn, but it can actually be quite detrimental.

Allowing water to lie on the grass all night leads to the spread of fungus. As the fungus spreads, it will create thin, discolored (usually straw-colored) circular spots within your lawn. The fungus may not be noticeable at first, and is liable to kill your grass, especially if left untreated for too long. Many people also mistake these dry, discolored patches as a sign to water more, further exacerbating the problem.

If your lawn falls prey to fungus, it is possible to treat on your own; however this could be costly since most fungicides are sold in bulk. It might be cheaper and most cost-effective to have specialists treat the fungus to ensure it is completely eliminated from your lawn.

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