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Lawn Care Tip: Protecting your lawn from dogs

With all the running, jumping and going to the bathroom, dogs can do quite a number on your lawn. There are some products you can purchase that promise to eliminate urine spots from your lawn, but this might be more trouble than it’s worth to have to try and seek out every spot and treat it thoroughly. There is also the issue with trampled or worn grass, and unless you’re ready to dig up your existing turf and plant sturdier grass, you will need another option for protecting your turf from your pet’s paws.

Tree care specialists recommend planting clover in the areas where your dog likes to frequent for his bathroom needs. Dogs often retreat to a certain spot time after time, so planting clover in this area will allow him the comfort of thinking he’s getting grass, but his urine will not have the same effects on the clover as it does on grass. The nitrogen and salt in urine is what causes the grass to become discolored, but clover is resistant to these chemicals and will remain green. Clover is also beneficial because it doesn’t require the same amount of upkeep and watering as regular grass.

Another tree care tip for the wearing of your turf is installing a pooch path. As stated before, dogs are creatures of habit and tend to pick out the area around your fence as their potty spots. Tree care professionals advise against growing grass in this area and instead suggest installing a crushed gravel path or a stone walkway. This will also work for your dog’s other paths through the yard. Instead of having trampled grass, you will have a creative and luxurious-looking pathway that will add character to your lawn and landscape.

If you don’t feel like dealing with the hassle of keeping up with your dog’s potty spots, contact us and ask about how to combat the effects your pet may have on your lawn.

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Lawn Care Tip: Make your own mulch from kitchen waste

Ever wonder what to do with those scraps of food that shouldn’t go down the disposal, but create a terrible smell if left in the garbage for more than a day? Or perhaps you’re looking to enhance the growth of your landscape plants in a more natural and cost-effective manner? Lawn care experts recommend using your kitchen waste to make your own all-organic mulch.

The first step in this journey toward a more eco-friendly way to fertilize your lawn and landscape is by choosing the right type of composter. Many lawn care experts recommend using worm bins. Filling the bin with live worms, your kitchen waste will be broken down by the worms and voila! You have a nutrient-rich fertilizer for your lawn and landscape! Using a worm bin is also beneficial because you can keep it inside your home if you wish for easy access. The only rule when it comes to worm bins is to not leave it in direct sunlight.

If you’re not sure how to use a worm bin or where to get the materials (or the worms), check with your community’s Department of Water and Power; they may offer worm bins as well as instructions on how to use them.

So what can you throw in the worm bin? The ingredients that make up worm bin mulch can range from fruit and vegetable rinds and pieces to most lawn and landscape debris, according to lawn care experts. So instead of throwing your kitchen scraps in the trash, or even to the dog, think about creating your own personal brand of all-organic mulch.

If making your own mulch is too much of a hassle but you still want to bring a more organic approach to fertilizing your lawn or landscape, call your local lawn care company and ask about their organic fertilization program.

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