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Watering your lawn in the evening: Don’t do it!

Many people are tempted to mow and water their lawns in the evening before putting the gardening tools away and getting ready to relax for the night. However, experts advise against watering in the evening. You may think the overnight saturation is good for your lawn, but it can actually be quite detrimental.

Allowing water to lie on the grass all night leads to the spread of fungus. As the fungus spreads, it will create thin, discolored (usually straw-colored) circular spots within your lawn. The fungus may not be noticeable at first, and is liable to kill your grass, especially if left untreated for too long. Many people also mistake these dry, discolored patches as a sign to water more, further exacerbating the problem.

If your lawn falls prey to fungus, it is possible to treat on your own; however this could be costly since most fungicides are sold in bulk. It might be cheaper and most cost-effective to have specialists treat the fungus to ensure it is completely eliminated from your lawn.

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Lawn care tip: Watering your newly laid sod

Lawn care providers are often taken aback by the number of people who pay to have new sod installed but do not follow up with proper watering habits. Many people probably fear over-watering their sod, but experts insist that however much you’re watering your lawn, it still probably isn’t even close to enough.

Because sod needs to stay moist all through the day, lawn care providers suggest a watering regimen of three times a day in short spurts. The amount of time is vital. If you do not have a sprinkler system, saturate your lawn until you notice run off. If you are fortunate to have an in-ground irrigation system, specialists recommend a time period of 5 to 15 minutes. It is recommended to water early in the morning, mid-afternoon and early evening.

Continue this process until grass is at least 3 inches high. Once the grass has come in, it is okay to go a few days without watering, as the ground needs to dry out. The grass is also ready for mowing at this point. Once the sod has been able to latch on and thrive, resume your watering regimen about every other day or daily if the weather is particularly hot and dry. Instead of watering your lawn three times a day, once per day will suffice, but remember to water for longer periods so that the ground becomes saturated.

A successful sod installation is not solely the responsibility of the lawn care provider, but the  homeowner as well. Make sure to find out exactly how your lawn care provider wants you to water your sod as to ensure a beautiful, successful lawn.

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