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Lawn Care Tip: Liquid vs. Dry Fertilizer

You are really looking forward to sprucing up your lawn this year and have decided to add fertilizer into your lawn care regimen, but you might be wondering which is better: liquid or granular fertilizer?

The choice between liquid and dry fertilizers may depend on what lawn care goals you hope to achieve this season. If you have a persistent weed problem, then liquid fertilizer may be the way to go. Some fertilization treatments include pre- and post-emergent weed control elements and when they come in liquid form, they are absorbed more quickly, producing faster results. Lawn care specialists also suggest that liquid fertilization treatments are better for the environment because the fertilizer does not spread all over your landscape like granular treatments.

Liquid fertilizer has the benefit of taking less time to be effective. In order for granular fertilization to work properly, there must be adequate moisture. If you’re having a dry season, the results may not be as successful as with liquid fertilizer.

There are some lawn care experts who suggest using a combination of dry and liquid fertilizer for optimal results. When you begin to fertilize in the spring, the weather is typically wetter than in the late summer and early fall months. You can take advantage of this moisture and use granular fertilizer to jumpstart your lawn. The warmer months typically produce less rainfall, so liquid fertilizer is more ideal during this period, along with proper hydration.

For the best results, contact your local lawn care company and leave it up to the professionals. Employing a lawn care company often allows you to expect higher quality results.

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